What are Clarity Cards?

Last summer, I had the idea to try and write out everything I have learned in my life-long search for MORE. Truthfully, I have been looking for answers since I was four years old, tightly wrapped in the arms of my father, feeling him trembling with sobs.

My Fisher-Price People played out storylines of lost girls and father heroes who saved them when I was in elementary school. “Gut spillers” filled with inquisitive and melancholy dreams were traded between trusted junior high friends. I filled notebooks with narratives of love and sexuality in high school. Everything in search for an elusive sense of happiness or maybe just some satisfying explanation to the incredulity I so often felt witnessing the way people lived.

Record keeping became an obsession through adulthood as I filled countless journals with aha moments and lessons learned in the hopes of gaining ground on my goals. Graduate school and countless trainings to become a therapist cemented the necessity to write it down, memorize, and utilize new information as fast and as efficiently as possible.

With a forced retirement due to my poor health, I had plenty of down time to see what I could create. I started with my yellow pad, jotting down ideas and then wrote them out on 3x5 cards. I slowly held each card in my hand, thinking about the hard-earned freedom this concept brought before placing it on the king-sized bed in front of me. Certain ideas organically went together and each card seemed to know where to direct me to place it. When finished with my pile, I stepped back to take in the site and I couldn’t believe what I saw!

There was a perfect spiral lying on my bed.

I am so glad I snapped a photograph! The spiral felt like a gift, an affirmation that I had something special, that it was more than me creating a fantasy! Maybe it was meant to exist in the world! When I published my new website and the first card this last April, I felt terrified that I had exposed myself and now others were reading my intimate beliefs and experiences! Regret and insecurity flooded in with subscribers increasing and I felt all my creativity blocked by the fear. But I kept going, kept publishing and creating to the best of my ability.

Perseverance and love of the truth keep me going.

I write for myself, to lessen the burden sitting on my chest and to feel the relief of sharing what I feel obligated to. Life has been difficult and I simply want to give away all the wisdom I have gained through this wild ride. Self-expression and self-examination are hallmarks to my days. This year, 2024, has been the most peaceful year of my life. It’s like the answers are slowly integrating and becoming a natural part of me: how to feel my feelings, how to communicate, how to deal with past trauma and betrayal and how to live in an authentic and loving way. I am so grateful.

Here is the revised big picture for. Clarity Cards.


#49. Impermanence


#8. Aspects of Ego: In Time and Space