Sit Quietly

Sit quietly, meditation, silence, stillness, relax

Sit quietly in the morning.

Sit quietly between clients.

Gather energy.

Gather calm.

Sit quietly at the end of the day.

Sit quietly with the one you love.

Turn off the noise: the television, the computer, the music, the incessant questions and needs.

Turn off the need to move and to busy yourself.

And sit quietly.

Sit quietly with your body.

Sit quietly with the needs for nourishment.

Listen to the need for whole food.

Listen to the cry for water.

Sit quietly with the loneliness.

No one to feed you, but you.

Reflect on the little girl emotions of fear and needs unmet.

Reflect on the woman who has the power to change.

And sit quietly.

Sit quietly with your mind.

Sit quietly with the racing, frantic thoughts.

Reassure yourself that nothing is so pressing.

Reassure yourself that everything will continue while you are still.

Sit quietly with the arrogance.

There is no one that needs attention.

Hush the desperation for a better world.

Hush the panicked search for more.

Sit quietly with your heart.

Sit quietly with the pain and grief that fills every corner. 

Cry silent tears for the years that are behind.

Cry mournful sobs for the time that is lost.

Sit quietly with the disintegration of time.

Release the past and all of the fears of not being enough.

Release the expectations, both met and unmet.

And sit quietly.

Sit quietly with your spirit. 

Sit quietly with the part that transcends it all.

Feel the strength come from all six directions.

Feel the solitude as even your cells quiet. 

Sit silently with the bigger picture.

Breathe in the breath of your ancestors.

Breathe in the gift of life and of death.

And sit quietly.

I am being stripped down on purpose.

Intentionally exposed by the Universe, by Mother God, by my own unconscious needs.

I am stripped like years ago, with empty hands to raise.

Nothing of value to offer.

Nothing to present at the feet of the world’s expectations

To prove what a good and faithful servant I am.

Nothing to offer anymore but my worn knees and wet cheeks.

In order to sit quietly.

So, sit quietly.


The Mirror Effect


The Spotlight of Compassionate Love